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Melissa and Oscar

Penn Yan, NY, United States

Oscar and I met through my older sister, Kathryn, and her husband (my brother-in-law), Justin. Oscar was Justin's roommate and best friend when my sister began dating my now brother-in-law. Every get together they had, I would find myself cracking up chatting with Oscar. Over time, I found myself looking forward to the next party or event that I knew I would be able to see him. I later found out that Oscar had mutual feelings. St. Patrick's Day of 2012, he asked if he could kiss me at the end of the night, to which I said yes! That was the start of our feelings growing beyond "just friends." We took a while to make things official, because we were scared to ruin the dynamic with my sister and Justin if it didn't end up working out. But as time went on, we found ourselves being drawn back to one another, which had us realizing that we had to be in each others' lives. I think we both knew that things would work out for the long run the day that we decided to give a relationship a chance. Needless to say, we were right!

As cliche as it sounds, our day was the absolute best day of our lives. Nothing could phase us if anything went not according to plan. For instance, we did a first look before the ceremony, to ease both of our nerves and to simply just have the chance to be giddy together for the first time all day. I was so excited to see Oscar that I hugged him so hard, and buried my face into is neck....only to realize that I got lipstick all over his collar!! I had a few seconds of panic, but then I centered myself back on my husband-to-be and he could have cared less, which made me realize that nothing was going to bring down this natural high for either of us! Our first look was definitely one of our favorite moments of the day. Oscar's face was absolutely priceless after he turned around at the cue of me saying, "nice butt" behind him. Our amazing photographer, Katie Finnerty, and her 2nd shooter aka her husband, captured the moment perfectly and just as special and exciting as we recalled it to be.

Our Ceremony and Reception were both at the same venue, Crispin Hill, in Penn Yan, NY. This stunning place had a large red barn for dancing, along with a neighboring tent for dinner. The ceremony location was a hilltop on the property that had the most beautiful view of Keuka Lake. Our ceremony was officiated by my best friend's father, who is a Pastor, which made everything that much more special and personal to us. As many bride and grooms may say, the ceremony was a big blur, with tears, laughter, excitement whirling around you one million times a minute. What I do remember so clearly, was Oscar's look in his eyes, I could see how happy he was to finally be in this moment that we both had been looking forward to and imagining for so long. I'd like to think I had that same look in my own eyes. We were locked in to each other the entire ceremony, laughing at the various faux pas' that happened throughout.

We continued laughing and smiling the biggest smiles throughout our day. We were surrounded by so much love and support from all of our family and friends. And luckily, those family and friends know how to work a dance floor! We all danced the night away. I don't think I have ever smiled so much in the span of 24 hours than I did on June 8th, 2019. We are so elated to be married, and calling each other "husband" and "wife" will not get old for a longggg time. I could go on and on about our wedding day and our story, but I would be writing for forever! I hope this gives a glimpse into who we are as a couple, and I hope the photos I share along with this help with that!

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